The research fields of the study also include the relationship of Greek internet users with social media, as well as the degree of understanding of the functioning of the algorithms used by the large online platforms, having the ability to “influence” to a significant extent the content that users read.
It also captures how informed users are about the possibilities of artificial intelligence, as well as the relationship of artificial intelligence and the internet to the future of work.
The research also results in specific long-term policy recommendations, since the goal of the cooperation of the Special Secretariat of Foresight with the National Center for Social Research (EKKE) – with which a Cooperation Protocol has been signed – is precisely to give impetus to the drawing up of appropriate public policies, in order to meet the need for reliable, comparative and forward-looking knowledge about the use of the internet in Greece. In this context, the Special Secretariat supports the initiative that EKKE has already undertaken since 2015 regarding the conduct of a large-scale research with the main field of study recording the penetration and multiple effects of the internet and its infrastructure in Greek society.
Finally, it is noted that the World Internet Project Greece (WIP-GR) empirical sample survey is implemented by EKKE and is part of the World Internet Project (WIP), an international partnership of universities and research centers consisting of more than 30 countries from different continents. It is an international research project that started in 1999 and is managed by the Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future of the University of Southern California (USA).
Read all the study here.